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Eleven Steps for Conscious Contact.

Updated: Mar 22

Once Pasos para la Co-creación Consciente.

The gift of co-creation and manifestation is inherent in all humans who are Inhabited by the Presence of the Father (the Thought Adjusters) and, because you are their children, you have the power to create:

  • Are the creative sons who force plans, and open the path of planetary evolution that leads to Light and Life, the realization of the destiny of the universe.

  • Knowing, or 'being aware' of this co-creative ability requires you to recognize your association and develop an integral relationship with your Thought Adjuster.

  • The planets that are entering an Illuminated era, have a growing number of their citizens who become aware of their co-creative prerogatives, inherent in the creature/Creator association.

  • They are mature for this awakening of your co-creative potentials:

  • You have all the necessary pieces to discover and exercise your divine abilities.

  • When you believe in this society, then you will see the manifestation of your inherent abilities revealed.

Let's explore the eight (11) steps necessary to awaken this co-creative partnership:

Understand that the Creator Father has given you (his son), the gift of His Resident Presence - to live and work in your mind - to develop your personality, here and in the afterlife; and to place you on a path that leads you to eternal service and union with His Resident Spirit.

  1. Look at your life in eternity and imagine the wonders and astonishment of what you could experience as a citizen of the universe!

  2. He knows and believes that you possess it - that you are worthy of it - this power and association, that you have been personally chosen to receive this gift and that there are no attached conditions; it is yours and you can use it now!

  3. Recognize your association: involve your Fragment of God and call him or her by name, a name that you have chosen that represents the highest affection of intimate adoration by the Spirit of the Father within you. To invoke it by name' is to personalize and recognize your association.

  4. Develop a relationship with your Thought Adjuster, through constant dialogue: share your deep thoughts, share your deep desires,

  5. Imagine (create in your mind) what you want to manifest in your life and in the world.

  6. Share your gratitude and gratitude for this gift and any manifestation of the Will of the Creator that you have already received. Pray incessantly.

  7. Imagine a two-way dialogue between you and your Divine Partner: how would this conversation sound in your mind? How would the responses from a Divine Fragment of the Creator be expressed to you, knowing that this Spirit wants you to succeed, grow and become a powerful co-creator? What quality would this voice have?

  8. Ask a question and imagine the answer: your imagination is your gift, use it!

  9. Don't worry if it's your own thoughts that come back; a constant practice of this will lead you to fruitful ideas.

  10. Ask for and look for signals and synchronicity.

  11. Recognize the opportunities that come into your life, that support your co-creative initiatives, and take action on these providential manifestations.

The Spirit, when in a co-creative association, will want to give you feedback that you can recognize and wait for confirmation.

Trust is the product of the faith realized. Your Divine Partner has an endless supply of unconditional love, patience, and forgiveness; and you should expect that you will make mistakes and grow from the wisdom of these experiences. The Spirit knows that you are a 'work in progress': if you fail and fall, you get up again and try again.

Ask your Divine Partner to help you understand the lesson and how to move forward, or overcome obstacles.

The constant dialogue keeps you in a state of peace and security that will give their dividends in all aspects of your life.

Reflecting the attitude of the Spirit is progress

Receive and recognize the co-creative manifestations that occur as a result of your faithful trust and relationship. This is teamwork "We did it!" "What else can we achieve?"

Comprender – Saber y Creer – Reconocer – Desarrollar – Imaginar – Pedir – Confiar – Recibir.

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